Sunday, October 14, 2007

One Encouraging Sign

We were very happy to see some more progress on our journey to adopt Owen on Wednesday (Owen's 8-month birthday). We got word from the US government that his visa has been approved and was sent to Seuol on October 1st. This means that his U.S. visa will now be issued and his South Korean passport as well; when the two are finished, then we'll get our travel call to go over and pick him up. We are hoping of course that this occurs within the next two weeks.

It's getting close now, and hopefully our next post here will be with our travel plans!


London Bird said...

I will keep my eyes peeled for the travel news post! I hope that it will be any day now. I will keep you all in my prayers. Love, B-

Our Family said...

Hip Hip Hooray! We are so excited for you. The day is coming for you to be united with your little boy. We can't wait to hear more!