Sunday, September 14, 2008

Owen, our little man...

It's hard to believe we haven't updated Owen's site since Christmas... (My apologies! However, it's a miracle if most days I'm showered and in one piece, so there you have it.)
In the nine months since we last posted, our little guy has turned one, started walking, started talking, become officially ours (our adoption hearing at the Dane County Courthouse was June 25, whereby he legally became our son), visited the beach house at Two Rivers, WI for our annual China Reunion, moved to a new house, turned one-and-a-half, toured a dairy farm, had a great summer splashing at the local pool, eaten all manner of non-food items (including but not limited to wood chips, bugs, dog poop, and tin foil), and spent many an hour chasing his adored older sisters around our home, which I'm glad to say is now large enough for our family.
Owen is a delight. He is tender and affectionate but also quite a boy, meaning he loves to hit and throw and dash away from me in busy parking lots, etc. He is stubborn and independent but loves to be held and snuggled. One second he is in my arms, enjoying a book with me; next minute he is pulling every piece of toilet paper off the roll/drinking toilet water from a dixie cup/rooting around in the kitchen garbage/trying to chew on Daddy's crocs/beating Mookie with a stick, etc. (And the sad thing is, I'm not exaggerating here.) Owen definitely keeps us on our toes. I cannot let him out of my sight for any period of time...
It was a year ago, if you can believe it, that we were waiting any day for our travel call to go to Seoul to bring Owen home. The stress of that time was unbelievable. Furthermore, after we finally did return home with Owen in early November, we faced a difficult transition and seemingly endless sleeping problems... So I'm very glad to say that after all this time, life has smoothed itself out: we are a happy family of five, Owen is a terrific sleeper, and Jane and Caroline have flourished as big sisters. It all took quite a bit of time to reach this new stage of normal, but we're here and we're VERY thankful.
Love to all, and happy fall.